Drinking From a Well I Don’t Acknowledge

Drinking From a Well I Don’t Acknowledge

Gnome by Barbara Thomas

REMINDER from Mano:

The fact I needed to remind Barbara that it is God’s Angels and Elementals in her life that bless her, inspire her to take supplements and physical body care to keep her healthy and strong, tells me I want to do the same for you. Your Angels and Elementals love and inspire each of you with ways you can keep yourself beautiful, strong, and healthy.

REMARKS from Barbara:

I am sad when I forget and grateful when out of his love Mano reminds me, how very much the Angels and Elementals do to keep my daily life beautiful, happy, and healthy.


Mano did the same for Mary Jane, and wants to help you remember and align with the love and care the Angels and Elementals have for you.

Drinking From a Well I Don’t Acknowledge

Blog #127

When I was in college the minister in my church gave a sermon that impressed me at the time and has stayed in my consciousness all of these years. This past week Mano had a serious talk with me by putting thoughts in my mind for me to ponder and think about.

The original sermon took place in London, England. There was a ‘street box orator,’ a small man, poorly dressed, standing on a wooden box so he could be seen over the heads of the people walking on the sidewalk. He was calling out, in a loud voice, “Jesus loves you. Do you know Jesus? Have you taken God as your Heavenly Father? Jesus loves you.”

A well-groomed gentleman worked nearby and saw and heard the ‘street box orator’ every day. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like the way the orator was dressed; he didn’t like what he was saying. 

He had gone to church with his family when he was a little boy and as an adult decided that Jesus stuff was all rubbish. He was a wealthy man, he had inherited a fortune and was a member of the House of Lords, a position his father, grandfather, and great-great grandfather had passed down generation after generation until it came to this well-dressed business man.

The point of the sermon was, the ‘street box orator’ had just had an experience of God’s Love and Jesus ‘saving his life’. He was in love with God and Jesus and wanted the world to know and have the same experience. This was all new to him. He was the first in his family to find Jesus.

The well-groomed gentleman’s wealth, status in life, position in the House of Lords was all inherited from his ancestors who honored and worshiped God. He was drinking from this ancestral well and not acknowledging the source of his high standing in the business and social world.

Mano has kept this story alive in my consciousness for over 60 years. Last month after recognizing the Landscape Angel overshadowing each forest, Mano impressed on me that I am not recognizing and giving credit to my Guardian Angels, Body Elementals, Garden Angels overshadowing and watching over me for my own abundance, strength, mental clarity, gentle spirit.

A few weeks ago I spent time with a neighbor. She asked me what I was doing to keep my body so healthy and strong at age 96. I said I have been wondering the same thing. Perhaps it is because I get a massage and go to the chiropractor once a month. Perhaps it is because I drink colostrum and celery juice each morning. Mano spoke to me that night telling me I am drinking from a Well I am not Acknowledging.

At that point he outlined the pattern in my life where I dedicated and aligned my life with Father, Mother God:

  • When I was 35, I joined a prayer group, dedicating my life to God and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, which I experience as a infilling of Love and the beautiful gift of speaking and singing in a Spirit Language. 
  • When I was 45, there was public warning that on a specific date Los Angeles would slip away into the ocean.  After the night of Prayer I realized, “In a body or out of a body I serve God.” 
  • Another time I made the prayer, “I will go where you want me to go and I will stay as long as you need me.” This is when I heard the call to move to the mountain.
  •  I was very sick with pneumonia when I was 62. I heard the inner voice say, “Barbara, are you willing to die?” I said yes, if that is your will, but I thought I was going to live to be a vital, vibrant 80 year old woman. Then the voice said, “So I can live.”
  • Jim and I spent a year on a vision quest in Europe. Each asking how God would use our time and talents as individuals and as a couple. My first week on the Island of Iona was spent reading The Mists of Avalon, the story of King Arthur from the woman’s point of view. This was the first time I had heard of Mother God.
  • I worked 5 hours, 5 days a week, for 3 months in the Findhorn Garden. At the end of the trip each time I told anyone I worked in the garden I was filled with tears of love and cried. Mother Earth/Mother God had filled me with her love.

With this review, Mano made it clear I am to acknowledge that God is the strength in my life, my health. My body is dedicated to Father/Mother and that is the simplicity of my current health and strength.


  1. Michele D. Wolfe

    Barbara, So grateful for your years of wisdom via the spiritual and natural world. I’ve enjoyed dancing in your lovely sacred grove and the art studio one time. I too call upon the Higher Powers to guide and regularly commune in nature, writing poems, songs, and stories from these experiences. In the process of getting them edited and typed, do share them w/ family, friends, and at the Ugly Mug open mic. Blessing if wellness this winter and ongoing. Warmly, Michele

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