

Barbara has one DVD available:

Healing Burned Woman

Healing Burned Woman


© 2011 Barbara Thomas

$20.00 + S&H

All have been affected by the burning times when the inquisition killed all freedom thinkers; when herbalist, healers, midwives, wise men and women, those with gifts of seeing the inner world,those relating with living energies and spirits of earth were killed.

All have been affected by the burning times, whether in present or past life experience or the residue within mass mind. There is a fear to be different, to speak one’s truth, to stand out. In the desire to be accepted one willingly conforms to outer authority, willingly ignores inner guidance, willingly becomes a follower.

It is time to bring this to an end. It is time to Heal Burned Woman, which is the intuitive, feminine, creative aspect of self. This is the urgent call of the time, the need of the moment. All are being asked to wake up and be their true authentic selves, to stand in their Divinity, to heal self, humanity and the earth.

Healing Burned Woman is a multimedia expression of original art in 4 chapters, illustrated with Barbara’s paintings inspired years earlier which served to teach and awaken her to the world of Angel and Elemental.

“Burned Woman’s tale burns straight into the soul.” 

Pamela Eakins, Ph.D., author of Tarot of the Spirit

“I have seen many accounts of the burning times. In this light, please accept my sincere gratitude and compliments for not perpetuating the wound, yet again. So many women are awakening to these memories, and as Barbara so lovingly states, this awakening must inspire us to heal ourselves.”

Anastacia J. Nutt, M.A., author of Unseen Worlds and Practical Aspects of Spiritual Discernment

“Barbara Thomas is a seer, a visionary, a spiritual traveler. She walks easily between the world of spirit and the material world–and she offers us a pathway to follow her. In this film, in her book, Burned Woman, and in her paintings, she offers us a remarkable gift.”

Laura Davis, author of The Courage to Heal

The DVD includes Four Chapters:

CHAPTER #1 BURNED WOMAN’S STORY  Many women and men have a Burned Woman inside of us. The fear released during the Inquisition when millions of people were killed is still present today within personal and collective memory. Burned Woman’s story calls for us to make a conscious choice to release the old patterns of hatred and fear and to build a new life so we may heal ourselves, heal humanity and the earth.

CHAPTER #2  BARBARA’S STORY names her concern that Nature is suffering for lack of interaction with humans. She invites those who are sensitive to the invisible realms of heaven and earth. Inviting each to honor, accept, and use their SPIRITUAL gifts to enhance their lives, their worlds and build bridges between the physical and non-physical realms.

CHAPTER #3 NATURE’S STORY shares her experiences with the nature spirits that live on her land, the angel guidance she has receive and the request of the gnomes “to simply say hello.” During the Burning Times they lost their human partners. They became afraid of humans and retreated from the surface of the earth. Now, they want to build a respectful relationship with harmonious humans. They want to be recognized and acknowledged as the source of all food, shelter, clothing, the beauty of nature, the freshness of air, in essence everything we need to live on earth.

CHAPTER #4 HEALING AND AWARENESS CIRCLE is a full program to be used exactly as presented for awareness of our spiritual gifts. The Program is designed to include, movement, questions, sharing, intentions, art, and prayer for the world. This creates a balanced experience that can bring awareness and healing. The Program can be adapted by creating different questions.