

Barbara has 3 books available:

Living With the Spirits of the Land


© 2018 Barbara Thomas

$15.00 + S&H

A Spiritual Memoir

Request from Mano: “We can no longer go on alone. We are in deep need of the nourishment we receive from interacting with the human kingdom and you are in deep need of us to sustain your lives by interacting with nature.”

Barbara Thomas has, for many years, been a faithful and dedicated liaison between worlds—the worlds of angels, nature spirits, and humans.

Her journey of becoming, as told in this spiritual memoir, involves an impressive number of teachers and guides, trainings and awakenings, pilgrimages and international work. These led her, ever drawn by destiny, to her core task of working intimately with the angels and nature spirits on her land in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

With tenacity and ever-growing consciousness, with pure-heartedness and practicality, Barbara Thomas offers a template, a process, for earth healing through conscious surrender to spiritual guidance. It is a forgiving path (she does not leave out her own lapses and misunderstandings along the way), just as it is rigorous, glorious, calm, and urgent. Her co-authors are the gnomes themselves.

Celebrating The Magic of Jim’s Road


© 2014 Barbara Thomas

$10.00 + S&H

Heart of a Redwood Forest

The magic of Jim’s Road is a subtle and powerful force field that emanates from the area called the Amphitheater, an energy that supports creativity, spiritual growth, and awakening to higher dimensions of reality. Celebrating the Magic of Jim’s Road chronicles the consciousness of a small group of people who independently followed inner guidance and moved to the mountain. Artists, musicians, sculptors and creative inventors, each depended on and lived by spiritual and angelic connections in their own ways, gaining inspiration to fulfill their desire to improve the world and bring in the next Golden Age.

Three foundations were created on Jim’s Road, drawing people from all over the world to engage with the powerful energies of the mountain: Bridge Mountain, Well-Springs Foundation and Sequoia Seminar.

Barbara Thomas recounts an era dedicated to inner transformation in service of creating a better world, a dedication that continues in many forms today, evolving from this pivotal and inspirational time and place.

The Burned Woman


© 2001

$19.99 + S&H

Read the book here

“This is truly a work of art.  It’s simple and elegant, yet significant and profound in its message.”

In some way many of us have experienced her story in this life or another. She was betrayed by those she loved, healed and served. They tied her to her tree and burned her. With Angelic intervention, although badly burned she didn’t die. In total disbelief that her friends could do this to her she made the monumental ‘heart choice’ to remain an active healing presence in the life of her community and nature.

THE STORY: Barbara woke up hearing the words “there once was a time a horrible time, there once was a time a horrible time” being repeated over and over. She went to her computer, wrote those words and line by line the story of Burned Woman was given to her.

THE PICTURES: While writing the story she saw pictures she had painted 30 years earlier that all illustrated the story.