Your Divine Plan Is Waiting For You

Your Divine Plan Is Waiting For You

Gnome by Barbara Thomas

REMINDER from Mano:

Since everyone has a Divine Plan for their life, everyone has been given a Guardian Angel and Elemental Master guiding them to fulfill that Plan.

REMARKS from Barbara:

Jim and I went on a Vision Quest traveling through Europe to see how God would use our time and talents as individuals and a couple. On the last day, reading Tudor Pole’s journal revealed the purpose of my whole year long journey. I read, “When humanity first came to the planet, they were given an Angel and Elemental to guide and watch over them.” 


Every time it is cloudy and wet (like today) I remember one of Mary Jane’s visits when we were sitting in the Amphitheater, leaning against the Mother Tree. She pulled a thermos out of her bag with two cups so we could each have hot tea. 

Your Divine Plan Is Waiting For You

Blog #128

Everyone has a Divine Plan and personal commitment for their life. Parents are chosen for their strengths and weakness. Brothers and sisters are also chosen before birth. 

Our Guardian Angel and Elemental Teacher travel with us through every life experience. 

The story I have been told by the Spiritual Academy with whom I study is we are all Spiritual Beings, once living in the 5th dimension and above. When Gaia, our planet Earth, was created and placed in our solar system the notice went out to the higher dimensions inviting those souls who wish to experience 3rd dimensional living, to learn how to live and create in physical matter.

When we first came to the planet an Angel and an Elemental volunteered to show us the way to live in the 3rd dimensional world. They gave us a physical body and taught us how to live in it and how to take care of our physical form. Anytime we wanted we could leave our physical body in their care and return to the 5th dimension for a rest before returning to Earth to continue the lessons of Mastering the 3rd dimension. After a long period of time some felt they had acquired that Mastery and wanted to explore on their own and thus disconnected from the 5th dimension of constant spiritual guidance. Today we call this ‘The Fall from Grace’. 

Our Angel and Elemental sponsors could no longer connect with us directly. They loved us so much they did continue to guide us in the role of Guardian Angel and Elemental Teacher.

After a few years of writing the Blog, Mano revealed to me, “Your Service is to awaken consciously to the reality of Angelic and Elemental world of Mother Nature.”

 Mano has just added the conclusion to this sharing:

  • Each person has their own point of service
  • Their own path and process
  • Their council will teach them as they touch in with your work and your way
  • Each has their own work and their own way they have been walking all of their life. Their own interests and history will tell them their path and their service, the focus of their council.

This is how it has been for me. Slowly, bit by bit, year by year, more information has been given to me. I know it will be the same for you when you gather information from your life experience.  

Mano suggests that you explore all the awarenesses and possibilities that would name your divine plan and service. One way of doing it is to ask your council to guide your thoughts as you write for three pages.


  1. Liz Spera

    Happy New Year 🎊 Barbara!
    Great message. As I work with my clients to connect with their Guidance Team——-one important question is “what is my Soul’s purpose this incarnation?”

    When a person knows their Divine Plan—-they are truly empowered.
    Thank you for all you do!🙏🥰
    Auburn CA

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