

Drag the arrows to see before and after views: Moving in to Amity Lodge in July 2022 and one year later

REMINDER from Mano:

“Ask and ye shall receive” is such a basic guideline Barbara has forgotten to use. The first Struggle card was a reminder to make a call for help. 

REMARKS from Barbara:

I accept the gift and enter the adventure of calling on my Angels, Council, Companions, and Workers for help over and over throughout the day.


I miss Mary Jane’s presence in my life. I am so grateful for her willingness to adventure, co-creating the Blog with Mano and me. I realize if she had not said yes, I don’t think I would be doing it today.


Blog #124

Every morning I do a three card Tarot Spread for guidance and communication with my Spiritual Council. I have been getting the Struggle Tarot card at least three times a week for the past few months. Something is going on and I don’t know what it is….yet. Mano says it is a part of the grand adventure I have been on since the night my dear husband Jim died. I stayed with him for a while after his spirit left and when I went back to bed I heard a challenging, audible voice say, “Will the Real Barbara Thomas please step forward?”

I was shocked and curious. I realized I had never lived alone until now. I decided to accept the invitation and find out just who The Real Barbara Thomas might be.

Two opportunities for learning and study were offered in the next month. One was to attend a year Tarot study with Pamela Eakins called The Fools Journey. The second was an ongoing spiritual study of teachings by Divine Mother, Angelic and Ascended Masters. I am still working with these teachings 20 years later.

Jim and I had planned to live in Europe all Summer. Starting with a week tour of Ireland’s sacred sites and standing stones with Mara Freeman, then to end the summer touring the sacred sites in Wales with RJ Stewart. I decided to take these two tours. I continued the search for The Real Barbara Thomas with two more years exploring the Neolithic settings in England and Scotland.  Experiences at Sacred Sites and meditative images guided me with clarity. My last day in Ireland as I entered a cairn, my foot slipped at the wet entrance, my head touched the entrance stone and I heard a inner voice say, “You will start the next book of your life when you turn 80. The Next Book, not the next chapter.” That was the end of one phase of discovering and embodying The Real Barbara Thomas.

Months after I turned 80 I fell and broke my leg. During my eight months in bed, I did a lot of Tarot Study, Ascended Master Study, and wrote a book about the land I live on, Celebrating The Magic of Jim’s Road. I also created a DVD of the book, Burned Woman, which spirit gave to me years before. When I complete Burned Woman’s Story, The Council said Nature also has a story to tell. I ended up adding Natures Story, Barbara’s Story, and a Healing Workshop that can be done at home. I presented that workshop many times in the next few years. Other parts of self were discovered and embodied between age 80 and 90 when I traveled each day to the Amphitheater, interacting with the Elemental Spirits of the land, the Angels and Ascended Masters, until August 2000 when the CZU Fire burned my home and land. I am that grateful my studio, garage, and guest property were untouched by the fire. Fire surrounded the Amphitheater, burning the brush and some trees but gratefully the kitchen, the furniture, the mature madrones and redwood trees were spared.

It took two years to build my new home. A month before my date to move home I went to the hospital two times first with congestive heart failure, then with COVID. I slept in the hospital and slept at home the whole month of June. A physical therapist pulled me out of my stupor by calling many times, “You are a strong woman Barbara, pull yourself up. You are a strong woman.” Through the mist of my month in ‘never never land’ I heard what he said and thought, “I AM a strong woman; I will pull myself up.” With his help I did it.

Two days later on July 2, 2022, my family took me to my new home, Amity Lodge. This was the final move for The Real Barbara Thomas to come forth and integrate into her new life. My Council has been sending me the Struggle card to tell me a year of transition is complete. The Real Barbara Thomas has come home and is struggling to take responsibility for her life, body, home, and land. Mano gave me the solution last month when he wrote the blog, “Why Struggle When Angels and Elementals Are There to Help You?


  1. Liz Spera

    Bravo 👏
    Congratulations on a job well done! May we all recognize how strong we are and take responsibility for our health, our happiness and growth!
    Much love 💕 to you Barbara and deep appreciation!🙏🙏🙏🙏
    Auburn CA

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