Walking Down Memory Lane

Walking Down Memory Lane

Painting by Barbara Thomas

REMINDER from Mano:

Humanity lives under the protection and guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy, sometimes called The White Brotherhood, sometimes The Company of Heaven or The Ascended and Angelic Family. Special dispensations are released each year, 40 days before Easter and 40 days before Christmas. Today humanity is in great need, being faced with trauma on many levels. A special dispensation of love, kindness, respect, and courage has been released. I would like for you to consciously receive these blessings from above and send them out horizontally to areas of humanity, nature, and the earth.

REMARKS from Barbara:

I wonder if the memories I share in this blog were a part of the spiritual download from our heavenly companions wanting me to activate a type of alignment I had forgotten.


I am remembering a time Mary Jane came to visit. It was cold and damp, we were sitting on the ground leaning into the Mother Tree. After a time of silence, I felt Mary Jane moving around. When I opened my eyes, she offered me a cup of tea. Her thermos had two cups. My heart was touched; she came prepared to share.

Walking Down Memory Lane

Blog #109

I once read in a Circle Dance Flyer from New England, someone’s revelation about the inner earth meaning and connection with the days of the week. I was fascinated and thought of it often. Then unfortunately as so often happens I forgot and stopped connecting with Mother Nature in that way. Today, Easter Sunday, the Council reminded me and asked me to honor Mother Earth once again on a daily basis. She needs our help, support, and alignment. 

What I read more than 20 years ago, was to daily align with some aspect of Mother Earth. Acknowledge her gifts and my dependence upon her love and generosity .db.

The article said that each day of the week has a particular focus hidden within the name:

Sunday is the Sun’s day

Monday is the Moon’s day 

Tuesday is the day to bless the Trees

Wednesday is Wind’s day

Thursday is Earth’s day

Friday is Fire’s day

Saturday is Water’s day

Once again, a reminder that the Angels and Elementals bless and guide my/our life. The reminder that is often given to me….and I forget….is that the Angels and Elementals watch over me and guide me in all my ways.

They need my conscious awareness of their presence. I am told that a simple “thank you, I love you, I bless you,” would be deeply appreciated. I have been told this simple prayer truly blesses the Angels and Elementals as much as it blesses me.

I am reminded of the request to say a prayer of gratitude before eating each meal. This is called Grace. I grew up with the grace my father’s family all said, and some still say:

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest and share this food 
which thou has blessed.

This daily prayer before each meal and the evening prayer:

Now I lay me down to sleep, 
I pray the Lord my soul to keep. 
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

These two prayers are the basis of my childhood spiritual training. I grew up in a home of kindness. My parent both worked. They had a woman live with us when I was age 3 to 13 so I would never be alone when I came home from school. Dear Miss Quin had wanted to be a nun. Her mother died in childbirth, and as oldest daughter the job of caring for her 6 younger siblings fell in her lap. Miss Quin was very quiet, kind, and in her own way continued the life she desired and lived in constant prayer as she thought a nun would do.

Today I wonder if it was Miss Quin’s prayers and the two daily rote prayers that supported my adult-life mystical nature and relationship with elemental and angelic kingdoms.

As I write, it is Easter Sunday and it is 4 AM. Yesterday I invited a neighbor to come over and dye easter eggs with me. My Easter dinner will be Easter Egg Curry. 

I have a photo of Jesus I look at each morning. An artist brought color and open eyes to the imprint of Jesus’s face on The Shroud of Turin, a precious relic within the Catholic church said to be the covering put over Jesus’s body after crucifixion that held the imprint of his face…eyes closed. 

Mano has guided my early morning thoughts this morning. As I bring this sharing to a close, I am aware that Mano is inviting you to review your life and see the stepping stones that have led you to your current alignment with the spiritual world.  May you enjoy and learn from your review as I learned from mine this morning. I send Blessings.


  1. Dearest Barbara,

    What a beautiful message for all of us. Yes, walking down memory lane is a key
    for seeing the whole Divine Plan and how beautifully it is orchestrated. So lovely
    to read your insights!

    Know that you are Loved,

  2. Liz Spera

    Hello my special Friend,
    Thank you for the reminders to express gratitude and showing us ways to connect, appreciate and work with the Angelic and Elemental realms.
    Sending you love that sparkles, shimmers and shines!

  3. Marsha Haner Johnson

    Thanks so much, dear Barbara. I needed these reminders today as a dear friend is hospitalized and hopefully recovering from unexpected health problems. His dear wife is by his side. I am affirming angelic and elemental guardians with them and with me as I am prayerful for them.

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