Intentions that Shape Consciousness

Intentions that Shape Consciousness

Reminder from Mano: We have all come to be on the planet in this time. Human beings, though they have a physical body, have souls sourced in the stars. They have a contribution to make toward healing the planet, and this means remembering to live from original divine source.

Barbara Thomas with Laptop in Amphitheater

Recently I received a bright early morning email from Barbara telling me that as she was reading through her intentions for the week, she received a nudge from Mano suggesting that she send this one on to me: “Break out of old definitions of self”. Of course it set me to thinking about what my definitions of self actually are, at present, and what more I need to do to break free of the outdated ones. I’ve been working with some of these old definitions for a long time, so how will I know when I’ve definitively turned the corner? An old friend and I used to laugh about our propensity to wake up each morning with the resolve to change this or do a little better at that today. We wondered how many times we were allowed to cheerfully reset our intentions in this lifetime. Given that Barbara is 90 and I am 74, I think Mano would say that it’s ok to keep redefining ourselves forever, for as long as it takes . . . and, perhaps, that it isn’t necessarily a definitive turning but more like a point moving on the spectrum, with retrograde moments included.

I asked Barbara to elaborate on her intention-setting process, realizing that I’ve just come across it in bits and pieces. She responded with the following: “The statement ‘to break out of old definitions of self’ was one of the guiding lines I chose for the week’s focus. As I read that line I heard Mano request that I send it to you. It looks like we are both up for change if we are willing to follow Mano’s request.  It is exciting, don’t you think? I will give you a loose outline of what I do with my intentions—daily, weekly, seasonally, yearly.”

“I set an intention for the year, usually stimulated by Akasha’s teaching or a project that is coming up. Then I set an intention for each season. I also record what happens in my life on the moon phases: new moon, waxing, full, waning. Moon mother’s frequent appearance in my Tarot readings has shown me how very active she is in my soul service to the planet. And years ago she guided me to speak to her in a journal with each moon change, which I did for a couple of years.”

“Each week I set an intention, after I transfer the previous week’s guidance to my ‘subject review’ category. Once I set that intention I lay a six-card Tarot spread as an overview for the week. Then I move into the daily work, which I call my ‘spiritual practicer’. Daily I pull three Tarot cards and do a reading on each card. I then open correspondence with my nature spirit teachers, Rama, Mano, Joseph, and Jon, with personal comments on the happenings around the Tarot or in my life. Someone will respond with information, guidance, or comments. Mano recently told me that with this consultation I am actually connecting with the Council of Gnomes—the part that is invested in my personal growth and commitment here in the Morning Practice. When I go to the studio and formally open the Council of Gnomes, I am connecting with a different set of beings who observe more and interact less. They may or may not tune in to the Morning Practice, depending on whether my current focus is of interest to them.”

“At the end of the week I go through the relevant Tarot and Council notes to pull out information for the subject outline that becomes the weekly review. From this I can see what is important and what will guide the focus of the next week. Sometimes this is tedious, sometimes it’s stimulating and exhilarating. My inner life is so complex, it would slip away as nothing if I didn’t give heartfelt attention to the guidance and experiences that occur. I know from experience that If I ever gave up my Morning Practice I would lose my momentum and move into la la land. I have to stay mindful and attentive to the process in order to fulfill my commitment to those who guide and watch over me, to fulfill the promises I have made and to answer the call to be a ‘forerunner of the next golden age’.  This is all SOUL WORK and I am the only one who can track my life to ensure that I fulfill the promises I have made. I stay ever mindful and filled with gratitude for the guidance and watchful care my angelic and Ascended Family give to my life. I am their human, and they count on me to do my part. They open doors of opportunity and bring people into my life to make my commitment easier (like Mary Jane showing up to edit my book and produce the blog). I am fascinated to see how the fine tuning keeps occurring to give me a clearer understanding of my process and the interaction with those who guide me.”


  1. marsha johnson

    Hmmmm. Intentions. Definitions of self. Outdated? Keep redefining ourselves forever. Morning practice. SOUL WORK…
    Much to prayerfully ponder from this blog. Many thanks to you, Barbara and Mary Jane.

  2. Liz

    Dear Barbara and Mary Jane,
    Thank you! Thank you Mano! As I learn to work with my Elemental team and personal Elementals with Soul Healing, your practices and setting of intention inspire me to take time and go deeper into myself and pay close attention to my Spiritual Team.
    With Gratitude,
    Gnome Habitat USA Auburn

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