Faerie Time

Faerie Time

Painting by BarbaraThomas
Painting by BarbaraThomas

. . . . in which the gnomes encourage Barbara to call on Faerie Time when she’s feeling there’s not time to do all she wants to do

What is time up to? Everyone seems to be talking about how fast it’s going (like this comment from a friend: “I blinked, and September was OVER”). For myself, Monday becomes Friday in a quick morphing flip, but then when I think back to Monday it seems ages ago. I stopped in at the local tea house the other day and, when I mentioned this phenomenon, the tea master and I said at the same time—“and it happens simultaneously!”—this quick-movingness and long-agoness.

The time treasure and antidote I am exploring (and relishing, when it happens) is a very deliberate slowing down. It’s not exactly a decision or a willing that slows me down, but more a state of grace that floats in during the night. My feet move slowly and pick up energy messages from the earth, everything gets done without hurrying, my time with my grandson expands to keep us present to each other in some kind of blessed harmony without design.

The grace can come from nothing more than remembering to ask for it. As the gnomes tell Barbara, over and over again in many contexts: “Ask more. Ask more often and ask more specifically. This opens the way for the elemental and devic forces assigned to you to come close enough to actually do things with you and within your aura. This is a blessing to them, and an enormous assistance to you in your daily activities.”

“This work involves spirit beings, angels, and faeries who have committed their life of service to working with humans for the advancement of both races. The big hitch is that humans have to ask in order for the spirit being to be able to work in an intimate way. Without your asking, their work would be called invasive, and that is not allowed.”

“All time is present time for us,” they say. “Time is in your world. When you feel there is not enough time to do the things you want to do, call on Faerie Time. Faerie Time could be called heart time, love time. Call on the sacred space with the intention of what you want to accomplish. Ask for help in accuracy and Faerie timing with all you do. This will adjust your mind from two dimensions to other dimensions where things progress with greater ease and efficiency.”

In another notebook entry, Mano talks to Barbara about “Tiempo,” a perception of time that she has previously experienced as Faerie Time. “Things are accomplished within this flow of Tiempo in a way that has nothing to do with clock time. The angels of air who work with Tiempo are actually part of the fairy race. They know how to work with time and space and are delighted to be named and claimed. As you work with them you will meet the ones who have been assigned to work with you. They are able to help you remove the mental constraints caused by the mind’s hold on time.”

“Mano came up with a wonderful suggestion to help me remember to align with Faerie Time,” says Barbara. “I now divide my day into three-hour segments. At each segment change I open my heart, send love and gratitude to Mano and the companions who work with me. I tell them what I want to accomplish and ask for their help. I don’t experience Faerie Time as being any different from ordinary human time while I am in it, but at the end of the day I can see how much more was accomplished when I aligned with my helpers at each segment change.”

“An example of this happened last month when I was doing a lot of transcribing. I was making many typos, so I asked the companions if they could help me improve my accuracy. Right away I began not only to make fewer mistakes but I also seemed to be typing faster. It was quite satisfying, and even as I write this I can feel the companions’ joy and pride in our mutual working.”


  1. Merritt medusa

    I call in & connect to my angels, animal allies , beloved ancestors ,teachers and guides every morning renewing my vows to love Gratude, wonder ,appreciation & , acceptance. When I am too busy to do this it is very noticible to me . My life’s quality drops.
    Remembering to ask is always a challenge for me but as I grow older I m not as stubborn & I appreciate ease over ego.

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