Little Drawings

Little Drawings

"Little Drawing" by Barbara Thomas
“Little Drawings” by Barbara Thomas

Barbara is always doing these “little drawings”, and I have been attracted to the practice for quite some time. Sending energy and intuitive hand/heart impulses into art in this free, unthreatening way brings surprising messages and paves new grooves into non-linear thinking and the realm of the muses. I like doing them, and as our world strays further and further from my old “common sense” assumptions, the drawings are becoming a centering and enlivening anchor for me. Barbara began doing them as an antidote to boredom and, like so many of her practices, her understanding of them developed through the years—as if they were a golden thread she caught onto and keeps following.

I’ve found several references to them in her notebooks, with the gnomes pointing out that these drawings are part of the “great work” she’s to do (most of these entries are from about 10 years ago). When I asked about them, she said she continues to do this work almost daily, with the request to Mother Earth, “How can I serve you today?”


“I started doing these drawings when Jim and I joined the CFOI board in 1977. The leader talked and talked and talked, hardly ever touching the point. I was bored and did the drawings to entertain myself. One day as he went round and round on a certain subject, I saw myself drawing lines that went round and round. I then made a powerful direct line to the center and scribbled a tight energy. At that point the speaker got to the point of his circular ramble and we were able to move on.”

“Another time at an international meeting I did little drawings when different speakers were talking, writing the speakers’ names by each drawing. After a week I noticed that all of the drawings I did of one particular speaker were three shades of blue. I began to notice other similarities and realized I was drawing the energy of the people as they spoke. A women sitting beside me noticed what I was doing and commented that my drawings almost exactly matched the auras she was seeing.”

“When I lived in San Luis Obispo I worked for a healing clinic doing color clearings for individuals. This entailed having them draw the energy of the story they had been telling me. I then turned the paper in each direction to see if they could find another picture or see a way to enhance the drawing. The insights they had and the transformations they made to the drawing created a release in their body, heart, and mind. I have done this for myself for years and always find this release and change in myself and often in the situation.”


The notebook entries begin in 2003 when the gnomes told Barbara, “Our request is for you to look through the newspaper and find an article that strikes you. We will bring things to your awareness, and then you make little drawings of the energy you feel from the article. Open to healing the situation and transforming the energy within your drawing.” After doing this for a couple of months, Barbara was quite amazed at the results. Mano told her that these drawings were her service to the earth—janitorial work as a conscious human being to help clean up the toxins other human beings had left behind. “Now this, Barbara, is truly one work that you can do well, easily, and effectively. Much is accomplished in these little drawings, so enjoy the process with great gratitude that your prayers have been answered to be of service and make a difference in the world.”

One specific request the nature spirits made was to capture on paper and help transform “chaotic energies alive and flying around the planet.” Mano said, “What your government put up for self-protection has boomeranged to hold in and ricochet the fear and chaotic feelings people are expressing. This is escalating beyond all belief and the potential outcome is very dangerous. We are calling on many to work in their own way to clear the force field of the flying thought forms. We would like you to capture some of these on your paper and transform them by giving them to Mother Earth. This is work that you can do with pencil, pastel or Crayola—whatever is simplest for you in the moment.”


Another assignment came to Barbara at a hot springs: “Attune to us and then do little drawings to transform negative energies that are collecting over the tubs. As people come to sit in the hot water they relax and loosen from their thought forms—the worries they may be feeling around government, home, and work. They come to the mountain to get away from it all and relax, but they are leaving an inordinate number of negative thought forms. The faerie beings and angels of the campground have tried to clear these negative toxins so that people will actually be able to relax and let go. As a rule this serves as food to the surrounding landscape, which breathes in the toxins and releases pure air. Now, however, so many trees have been removed on the planet that those left are overloaded, working overtime. We ask you to pick up the excess fear energy and put it on paper, which you do so well. See what you can do to create a difference.”

Later the gnomes made a suggestion. “Your little drawings have more power when you first tune into the Council of Gnomes. Otherwise we have to work twice as hard to connect your work with the actuality of the thought forms. It would be the difference between doing a finely tuned operation with subtle fingers and trying to do it wearing wool mittens. The second is clumsy and not recognizable. Going within first allows you to truly connect, build the relationship, and do the work in the most complete manner. Our availability to help is our gift to you.”


  1. Julie

    Thank you Barbara and Mary Jane,
    This blog is tender and meaningful; it awakens in me that I’d like to do the same. I’ll ask Mano and my special tree about this for me, as a practice. Much love to you both, Julie

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