Category: <span>Council of Gnomes</span>

Category: Council of Gnomes

Message from the Elementals

Put us first. Put us first. Whatever you do put us first. We have come back to relate again. We need the magnetic pull of a human consciousness Talking to and with us to stay close to the surface of the earth. Otherwise we fade away into our interior realms And lose contact and connection with human needs. We must stay present and aware of your needs Or humanity will slope even further into the plastic non-human Scientific created world that has no life, no life force within…

Introduction to Council of Gnomes

My soul path and spiritual practice is to interact with the subtle realms of nature. I feel the future of the planet calls for humanity to remember, recognize, respect and relate with the consciousness of nature, the angelic and elementals beings. Science is beginning to recognize that the earth is a conscious living being. Human consciousness is an integral part of this living being, just as plants, animals and nature spirits are an integral part of the planet. The nature beings tell me that they want humans to…